A commitment to innovation

and sustainability

Mark is a student entrepreneur with a keen interest in marine sustainability

Entrepreneurial Ventures


Makery started off as a spin-off from a Yale-NUS College Student Organisation – YNC_Hacks. During my time in YNC_Hacks, I ran numerous hardware workshops and I realised that increasingly, people have lost touch with the ability to make items from scratch. Makery was started to address this crafting deficit by offering workshops to make everyday items.

The Pureloft

Established in 2023 and based in Malaysia, The Pureloft is a property management company that works with landlords to maximise rental yields for their properties by converting them into short term homestays. Through a heavy emphasis on technology and predictive AI, The Pureloft is able to maximise returns for our partners and experiences for our guests. As one of the most highly rated hosts in Malaysia, our commitment to quality has allowed us to consistently earn the coveted super host status on the Airbnb App.


In Singapore, an island surrounded by sea, it was surprising to find that seafood in supermarkets was often overpriced and not fresh. This contradiction sparked the idea for Wholebox. In this venture, I work to source and deliver a monthly subscription box of sustainably sourced seafood and vegetables.

Social Media:
adventures, entrepreneurship and growing up

Work Experience

Current and Past Employment


Carbon Analyst
April 2023 – October 2023

  • Developed geospatial machine learning pipelines for blue and brown carbon projects
  • Conducted feasibility studies on REDD+ & ARR projects
  • Developed tools to simplify the GIS space

Asean Legal Alliance

Events Management Intern
August 2022 – December 2022

  • Worked with a team to plan the Annual ASEAN Legal Alliance Conference
  • Engaged key industry stakeholders to come on board as speakers
  • Conducted feasibility studies on REDD+ & ARR projects
  • Developed tools to simplify the GIS space


Founder’s Office Intern
September 2022 – June 2023

  • Developed geospatial machine learning pipelines for blue and brown carbon projects
  • Conducted feasibility studies on REDD+ & ARR projects
  • Developed tools to simplify the GIS space

Capital Asia Investments

Wealth Management Intern
August 2022 – December 2022

  • Led the firm’s efforts to source for and implement a new wealth management software solution
  • Developed an in-house internship and talent development program
  • Supported the establishment of a new Indochina office
  • Conducted market research and data analytics to identify areas for improvement
  • Trained in the use of a Bloomberg terminal and financial analysis

On Hand Agrarian

December 2021 – August 2022

  • Assisted in the day-to-day operations of the Company
  • Worked on the upkeep and improvement of aquaculture systems

Office of Infrastructure, Safety and Security – Yale-NUS College

Student Associate

August 2020 – January 2021

  • Led a project to develop an occupancy monitoring system to monitor dining hall utilization rates for forecasting and COVID-19 safe management during peak hours

Singapore Armed Forces

Armoured Engineer Commander
January 2018 – November 2019

  • Tasked with leading a mechanized equipment section
  • Worked in collaboration with the Defence Science Technology Agency on research

A passion for creating

Current and Past Projects

Pelandok Book Project | 2023 – 2025

Working with a team to write a book on the oldest scout unit in Singapore.

Research on Racism in the Malaysian Workspace | 2024

An Independent Research Module under Professor Louisa Lombard on the effects of institutional racism in Malaysia.

Research on Dynastic Politics | 2024

Research assistant for Professor Stephen Monroe on the topic in the Philippines

Dining Hall Occupancy Monitoring System | 2020 – 2021

Developed a system to monitor the number of people entering and existing dining halls during the peak of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

YNC_Hacks Workshops | 2020 – 2022

Ran a variety of hardware workshops for YNC_Hacks.